Group Notes- Final Project

Magnetic charger that loses magnetic charge once the battery is full from charging. So the device will have the adapter already connected and the magnet will stick to the battery. There will be a light that will indicate charge. Once the battery is charged the device will loose the magnetic force. – Felix April,3 2023.

First idea would be of a box that allows batteries to charge, in case of the battery getting on fire the bbox would be able to supress the fire and stop it from burning anything around it.

Professor told us to start thinking of other ideas that would help this as well, she mentioned a charging brick that would stop the fires from even beginning. When the group investigated further we found that the idea was already there. Problem is that it is a hundred dollars. The proposal that we have drafted at the moment is based on asking people for contributions by showing them our strenghts and our plans. 

What would be the next step is to write about the problems that have risen from batteries not being safe. We would need to collect data on the amount of incidents that have taken place due to these batteries. We would also need to write more on the innovation that we need to bring up. It is up to a couple of things and our group hasn’t decided which one will be the main focus. If we can write about various options than that would be ideal. Our plan to make the presentation reach the goal of 15 minutes is to engage our audience by asking questions listening to them and then presenting the slides while also still engaging them at the same time. 

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